Wednesday, December 9, 2015

This is my second metro journey. Our destination was Alexandria, VA.
Above is the King street metro stop.

Alexandria is located is Virginia along the Potomac river. 

                                                           Below is the one of the streets in Alexandria.
Its history dates back as far as 13 thousand years when the Native Americans lived here. 

Underneath is a map of Alexandria.
Alexandria was founded in 1749 by a man named captain Phillip Alexandria and his cousin captain John Alexander. 

Alexandria is is famous for many different things such as being a big tobacco trading place, being apart of the District of Columbia, a civil war supply center for the union troops, home to both of the largest slave trading firms in the country, and a street car suburb for the federal government workers.  
                                      torpedo factory
Our first stop was the torpedo factory where we saw lots of artists. We saw the famous jewelry of the famous artist poppi. 
We also met several other artists who were really amazing. The one that I liked the most was a man who was 73 years old. He was a photographer and had some really cool pictures. Most of his pictures were of dead flowers that had some pretty cool designs to them. 
The torpedo factory is originally as you guessed, a torpedo factory. It was mostly in use in WW1 and at the end of WW2. 
This is one of the torpedoes at the torpedo factory . You're all probably wondering why it's so bright green. It's because this is just a dummy torpedo for testing to see if it would launch or how far it would go underwater. The reason for the bright color is because it would be easy to find if it was lost.

The movie 12 Years a Slave is actually related to Alexandria. The main character in the movie was a free black man who lived in Alexandria but was kidnapped into slavery

Below is the sign outside the building where the main character Solomon Northrup the man from the movie 12 years a slave was held at one point while he was being auctioned off.

Our next stop was the Freedom House which is located at 1315 Duke Street. It is famous for being the largest slave trading office in the country. It is also famous for holding the famous slave Solomon Northrup who was the main character in the movie 12 years a slave. What Freedom House is today is a building that has a museum about the slaves that were held there and a museum about slavery. When we were there we saw the room where the slaves where kept and the shackles and chains that they used. 

freedom house alexandria

Below is a painting/picture of the waterfront homes in Alexandria.